Dpoll print the current output value of a demand rate UGen

superclass: DUGen

*new(in, label)

in ugen to poll vaues from

label a label string

run active if 1, inactive if 0. can be a demand ugen (default: 1)

the print-out is in the form: label: value block offset: offset.

structurally related: Poll

see also: Demand

WARNING: Printing values from the Server in intensive for the CPU. Poll should be used for debugging purposes.

// examples

{ Duty.kr(0.5, 0, Dpoll(Dseries(0, 1, inf) * 2)); 0.0 }.play;

// posts only when cursor is in right half of the screen

{ Duty.kr(0.5, 0, Dpoll(Dseries(0, 1, inf) * 2, run: MouseX.kr > 0.5)); 0.0 }.play;

// label

{ LFPulse.ar(Duty.kr(0.5, 0, Dpoll(Dseries(0, 1, inf) % 10 + 1 * 30, "value"))) * 0.1 }.play;

// block offset:

{ Duty.ar(0.511, 0, Dpoll(Dseries(0, 1, inf) * 2)); 0.0 }.play;

// multichannel expansion:



var x = Duty.kr(0.5, 0, 

Dpoll([Dseries(0, 1, inf), Dgeom(1, 1.1, inf)], ["first", "second"])


LFPulse.ar(100 + (x * 100)) * 0.1



{ Duty.kr(0.5, 0, Dpoll(( Dseries(0, 1, inf) + _ ).dup, ("value" + _).dup)); 0.0 }.play;

// the message dpoll(label, run, trigid) is a shorthand:

{ Duty.kr(0.5, 0, Dseries(0, 1, inf).dpoll); 0.0 }.play;

{ Duty.ar(0.5, 0, SinOsc.ar(0.1).dpoll); 0.0 }.play;